Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I'm here, I'm curvy and I craft!

The blogs I'm writing seem to be growing exponentially, Lampwork Diva, BeadLit, The Art Bead Scene, Hooks and Fire and now The Curvy Crafter. Guess I just got alot to say.

Why curvy? Well it's a nice way to say errhh...ummmm...fat. Let's get it right out there on the table. I plan to show what I'm crafting and there's gonna be no way around my plumpness in the photos and videos.

So this is the craft equivalent of the Dove Real Beauty Campaign.

Real women craft, real women on average are a size 14 (which I happen to be). There is no "plus" to a real woman, a woman is a size, not a plus size.

Political manifesto over - I want to be who I am and that's who you'll be seeing on the blog.

My main art is glass but I get inspired from crafting cross media so I have lots of crafts I make. The hats I've got on in the pictures are fiber - one is knitted and the other is crocheted. I needle felted the designs on both. I made them when I was on vacation or the studio was too cold to work in or I needed to get out some aggression with the big barbed needles!

I'll blog here less often than on LampworkDiva once or twice a week to show you the side projects I make.

I'm here, I'm curvy and I craft!



Amanda said...

Kudos for curve-embracing craft blogs!

(: Curvy women make the world go 'round.

(Actually, I think the original song says "fat-bottomed girls," but personally, it's not just my bottom.)

Anywho, I just figured this deserved an *e-hug*! You've made my day!

concretenprimroses said...

I love the exclamation point hat! What a great idea.

Numinosity said...

I've been cross-crafting... sounds like an interesting and naughty confession doesn't it?

I've achieved my first curves after 50 so I'm hoping I still qualify. I don't get mistaken for a guy so much anymore, haha!
Thanks for stopping and following my blog, Cindy.

Pleased to meet you, Kim

Unknown said...

Love the last hat color!

Have a lovely Mother's Day!
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Kim said...

Hi Cindy! I'm a curvy gal too- and I cross craft like crazy! I think I might have the attention span of a gnat- if I see something new then I think I gotta try that too! Gonna go check out your other blogs- really nice to meet you :)